Monday, June 27, 2011

Product Review: Certain Dri

It's summertime my friends! It's hot as hell, and you know what that means...sweat! Lots and lots of sweat! And if any of you are like me, you are (unfortunately) a sufferer of excessive underarm perspiration (a.k.a you have sweaty pits!). But fear not, my fellow excessive perspirers...for I have a solution!


Certain Dri! Some of you may have seen the cheesy TV commercials for this product, but this stuff really works! How do I know? I've been using it for YEARS!

I think I started using Certain Dri during my freshman year of college. This may be slightly TMI, but my underarms would sweat a lot, probably more than a normal. It was pretty embarrassing! One day I saw a commercial for this stuff, and I decided to give it a try. It worked like a charm! And it still works for me to this day. 

You use Certain Dri at night before you go to bed, and the new formula says it's supposed to last 72 hours. 72 hours is right! For anyone first starting to use it, I would use it every night until your underarms get used to it. After a while, you should be able to cut back to like three times a week. It doesn't have a scent, and you only need to use a little bit at a time. And just a sidenote, DO NOT use it right after shaving your underarms. It burns like hell :)

Sorry if this post is kinda random and weird. I had a friend ask about this stuff the other day, so I just thought I would share my opinion with everyone. 

Enjoy your summer!


  1. oh man! I thought I was the only person to use this stuff. Glad I'm not alone. :D

  2. Haha, nice to know someone else who uses it!

  3. I've never heard of this stuff! Thanks!
